Tuesday, June 13, 2023

How Do You Enjoy Your Life All Alone Eventhough You Don't Have Anyone ?

 Based on my real life after my mom passed away, living alone is not bad, especially when your body fits and you have relatively stable financial. Living alone in modern times with internet connection and certain degree of freedom would be great than lived in heaven.

But it's also have bad side as well, especially when you faced big problems and troubles alone, or when you get sick and stressful moments alone. You may will constantly get panic when you can't handle or solving the problems alone. Nobody you can ask for help or just ask some advices. People very apathy and selfish with themselves. Sometimes you may will experiences unstable emotion, you sad alone, angry alone and talking alone with yourself. But every person have different experiences and respond to faced loneliness.

Introverted person usually have strong mind, adapted well with situations and can stand more longer when faced loneliness.

No matter your loneliness just temporary or permanently(?). It's a mixed feeling when you lived alone. It's have good side and bad side also. The most important thing is lived alone must thinking smartly when faced any problems.

Life only just once, so if you must fight alone, then don't hesitate it !

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