People not always in your side to help your problems any times and any chances, so you must struggling alone to solve your problems, here some recommendation movies worth to watch and may inspired you if you are a lone fighter now. OK let's start the countdown !
5. Home Alone
I like the story a kid left and stayed alone in his house, then he just fight two bad guys alone with his intelligence for protecting his house. A classical movie which often broadcast at Christmas time !
4. 300
I like the two lines Leonidas speaking, first when he told elders what they supposed to do, then Leonidas said what can you do, Sparta need their son. Other is when Leonidas talk with Arcadian, Sparta never retreat, Sparta never surrender ! I think it's really inspired.
3. Rambo 3
When Rambo had prepared himself to saving Colonel Sam Trautman taken as hostages alone. He know the consequences but he doesn't have any choices and times to think to save his comrade. Here one of my favorites scene.
2. Letters from Iwo jima
Tadamichi Kuribayashi along with his men fighting together to defend Iwojima until the last men. It's a good movie created by Clint Eastwood. I loved it and so inspired.
1. Cast Away
The best of all, when you left and stayed alone in an empty island, you must thinking smart how to survive.
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